New York map lake george

In New York City you can call 936-1212 for the weather forecast, 936-1616 for the time and 755-4100 for free cultural events.

TELEVISION and RADIO. You’ll almost certainly have radio and television in your hotel room, with a vast choice of programmes. Television stations broadcast from 6 a.m. until around 3 or 4 the next morning. The main networks are on channels 2. 4 and 7. Channel 13, the educational network, has no commercials. The major news broadcasts come at 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. Most programmes are now in colour.

It’s difficult to choose among all the radio programmes. In New York there are about 60 AM-FM stations.

Many hotels receive a special T.V. programme (Channel 6) for tourists. From 7 a.m. to 1p.m. it gives information on excursions, shopping, shows and sports as well as weather forecasts and news.
You can visit a T. V. studio during a show. Get information by calling individual networks or the tourist information *bureau (tel. 687-1300).

The interesting Museum of Broadcasting at 1 East 53rd Street is open from 12 to 5 p.m.. Tuesday to Saturday.

THEATRE TICKETS. Seats for new or nearly new Broadw’ay shows are difficult to obtain, particularly for the musicals. Ask at your hotel 122 desk: they may be able to get you tickets for a small commission. There are countless ticket agencies in the Broadway/Times Square neighbourhood. or you can try at the theatre box office itself.

Times Square Theater Center, where Broadway crosses 47th Street, is a non-profit organization that sells tickets on the day of the performance at slightly over half price. They are open from noon till 2 p.m. for matinees, and from 3 till 8 p.m. for evening performances. Get there early, as the waiting line may be quite long; but the savings are well worth the wait. Most Broadway theatres are associated with this venture.

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