New York Metro Map

Hanging Food

The methods described above are effective in most areas. However, bears and other animals in some of our National Parks and other popular areas are extremely accustomed to human food, and in quite a few locations they’ve become unusually aggressive and resourceful in obtaining supplies from campers.

An especially foolproof system is known as counterbalancing which requires dividing your food between two bags. Use either a suitable branch or a horizontal line as discussed above. Tie your cord to a rock, toss it over the branch or line, and attach it to one bag. Pulling the bag high, tie the cord’s other end to the second bag. Then push it up with a long stick so that both bags hang at least 10 feet off the ground. To retrieve your food, use the stick to pull either of the bags down.

After dark it’s unquestionably more difficult to locate a suitable branch and hang your food line. Get in the habit of doing it immediately after setting up your tent, so the task doesn’t get forgotten until much later.

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Women as Domestic Servants Domestic service work has traditionally been a female occupation, because it is work done in the home. New York Metro Map In the colonial period, the only substantial group of women wage earners worked as domestic servants; the majority of them were unmarried or widowed women. Domestic servants were often women who worked in temporary situations during hard times. Domestic service positions required little training and little capital investment, making them suitable situations for those who were unable to pursue more lucrative work. Because the apprenticeship system was essentially closed to women, domestic service became one of their only means of gainful employment. Young girls also worked as domestic servants, and female domestic servants usually remained in service until they married and established their own households. Because there was a fear of idleness in colonial Country (as also in England), children as young as 8 and usually from the poorest class were sometimes bound out as servants to learn the lessons of industrious and useful labor. Children’s contracts usually required that they work until the age of majority, and many guaranteed some provision for schooling.

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