NYC Guide – New York City Tourist Attractions

Newyork parks was my favorite places. Huge Granite blocks dead in Memorial of the merchant Mariners, who died at Sea during World War II from the Promenade. We can watch the harbor traffic tankers and trade ships can be seen here as well as huge luxury ocean liners. Small pleasure ships in the ferry to Staten Island Governor’s Island and Liberty Island depart from here. The famous Statue of Liberty as demonstrated by It’s name. Is located on the ladder. We can get there by boat in 20 minutes.

Statue is made by France from public contributions and given to the United States on the anniversary of the signing declaration of Independence. As a symbol of the two Nations friendship originally the sculptor Frederic Auguste bartholdi received the assignment for a huge statue named Egypt Brings light to Asia. Which would have represented the Colossus of Abu simbel at the entrance of the Suez Canal.

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But it’s male caregiver Egypt king found the project too expensive. Then the idea of a statue that could be presented to the States was born inspiration for the work was given by the main figure of a painting by dellacroy. Freedom guiding the people the model was the sculptors mother Gustave Eiffel plan to steal base and It’s construction interrupted even the building of his famous tower for a while. The agreement was for the French to donate the statue The Americans should Supply the foundation. Which originally been planned as an exhibition Hall.
Today we can see the immigrants Museum in it.

New York City Sightseeing

Which is part of Ellis Island Between 1892 and 1924. Ellis Island was called your it was decided if the Immigrant would receive permission for settlement The Authority was in operation until 1954. And the crowds of settlers streamed in from the most varied countries. Those who for centuries now has seen the new world at the home of freedom and unlimited possibilities. Sprint quickly collected the necessary amount. But in America there was not so much disposition to give Joseph Pulitzer the founder of the Pulitzer Prize and owner of the New York World newspaper in his paper. Grace to do z a sickly those who contributed to the lofty aim With this he kill two birds with one stone Danny 50,000 new subscribers. While collecting the money the head of the statue was first exhibited on the Champs de Mar in Paris.

And a smaller model was introduced to the public at the World’s Fair By the time Richard Morris hunt pedestal was ready the statue It’self had also arrived on the deck of the frigate is there are in 350 pieces in 214 crates. The assembly took 4 months on October 28th 1886 it was unveiled in the presence of President Grover Cleveland Previously been governor of New York. It had refused to allot $50,000 from the state budget for the construction.

It was probably due to the excitement, that each time the president started his speech one of the twos Dallas Gunners fired his Cannon. So the statue was unveiled for the 21-gun salute, but without presidential speech at 111 ft Miss Liberty holds the torch of freedom in her right hand. Enter lefthand the Declaration of Independence. The total height of the Season green figure standing on It’s Stone base is 305 ft It’s weight is 225 tons. And there’s an observation Terrace in the crown Very likely, this is the most famous statue in the world.

What are the best places to visit in New York City?

There’s probably no one in the world, who hasn’t seen it at least in a picture in 1916, Goodson Borglum modify the original torch cutting, the majority of the copper, which form the flame and installing inner lighting. There was a perfect view to the Bay from the crown following the attack on September 11th the island was closed. The statue was reopened in August 2004 presently the basement in the museum can be visited. But the inner area of the statue it remained close.

The predecessor of the current city New Amsterdam was founded by Dutch settlers on the island of Manhattan, formerly and have Padded by Iroquois Indians. Also the name originates from here. Mannahatta means island of mountains and Waters. The Dutch brand of their West Indian company in the middle of the 1600. But this time about 300 settlers we’re living on the island in wooden houses. And they brought slaves from Africa to do the hard work.

England didn’t like the settlement among It’s colonies besieged it. Then the queen presented the newly obtained possession to the Duke of York does the name of the city. At this time some thousands of British Dutch French Spanish and Portuguese settlers, we’re living here cultivating their modest fields. Eccentric Lord cornbury was the first English governor the establishing of the harbor the ship Factory and ship maintenance all started in his time.

The shipping trade with a company by the building of warehouses and shops. Businessman with a good nose for profit, we’re constantly establishing business quarters. Those dealing in Cotton textiles leather tea spices And products from the colonies arrived here. Those businessmen who became Rich built impressive palaces in the city. Which already boasted 25000 inhabit from this time on the development couldn’t be stopped. In spite of the war of independence and the Civil War.

Turning to the right on Fulton Street it’s only a short walk to the park closed off from traffic take weather nicely renovated buildings from the 18th and 19th centuries. And most of them fishermen worked and lived, but today elegant restaurants and antique shops are to be found among there Gerald Wallace. Even the atmosphere of luring the tourist doesn’t detract from the beauty of the old red brick houses.

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