New Zealand Elevation Map

It must be understood by any practical wine-maker and wine connoisseur that most beneficial wines are natural dry table wines there is no reason why these people should not be allowed to obtain table wines in grocery shops and in restaurants with meals. This would be example of how the wine should be drunk and would lead to sober drinking, as no connoisseur is a drunkard or alcoholic!

It is important that any restaurant wishing to supply wine with meals should be allowed.

If the place is good enough to have a meal it is good enough to have a drink.

New Zealand Elevation Map Photo Gallery

No tied house should be allowed to have a monopoly to supply prize wine with full-page advertisement in papers to a public that does not know what table wine is. The wines should strictly comply as pure grape wines and let the public find out for themselves, what is good about wine.

The wine would be bottled by the wine-maker and reach the consumer direct. It would be preferable in half-size bottles.

The handling and distribution laws of wine are such where wine is regarded as more dangerous than explosives and breeds lawbreakers. This is irrational.

New Zealand wants more grapes to produce wine. It is of no use complaining of importing wine from cheap labour producing countries and we exploiting labour of cheap sugar producing countries. To produce more grapes we need more wine growers.

This is not politics or a matter for referendum, when one half people say to other half when to drink or eat, and make liberty a mockery.

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