Sun-drenched and spicy, Nice (pop. 380,000) is the unofficial capital of the Riviera. Its pumping nightlife, top-notch museums, and bustling beaches are unerring tourist magnets. During the annual three-week Carnaval in February, visitors and Nigois alike ring in the spring with wild revelry, grotesque costumes, and raucous song and dance. Prepare to have more fun than you’ll remember.


Flights: Aeroport Nice-Cote d’Azur (NCE; 08 20 42 33 33). Air France, 10 av. Felix Faure (08 02 80 28 02), serves Paris (93; under-25, over-60, and couples 46).

Trains: Gare SNCF Nice-Ville (04 93 82 62 11), on av. Thiers. Open 5am-12:15am. To: Cannes (45min. every 15-45min. 5); Marseilles (2%hr. every 30-90min. 24); Monaco (15min. every 10-30min. 3); Paris (5V!hr. 6 per day, 76).

Buses: 5 bd. lean Jaures (04 93 85 61 81). Open M-Sa 8am-6:30pm. To: Cannes (lVihr. every 20min. 6) and Monaco (40min. every 15min. 3.40).

Ferries: Corsica Ferries, Port du Commerce (a 04 92 00 42 93; Take bus #1 or 2 (dir.: Port) from pl. Massena. To Corsica (20-40).

Public Transportation: Sunbus, 10 av. Felix Faure (04 93 16 52 10), near pl. Leclerc and pl. Massena. Individual tickets 1.30. Long treks to museums, the beach, and hostels make passes a bargain (day pass 4, 8-ticket carnet 8.30, 7-day pass 17). The tourist office provides Sunplan bus maps, schedules, and route info.

Bike and Scooter Rental: JML Location, 34 av. Auber (04 93 16 07 00), opposite the train station. Bikes 11 per day, 42 per week. Scooters 37 per day, 196 per week. Credit card deposit required. Open June-Sept. daily 9am-6:30pm; Oct.-May M-Sa 8am-lpm and 2-6:30pm. MCV.

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