Hampi Sunrise at Malyavanta Hill India Ghoomo

Situated on the banks of the Tungabhadra River in northern Karnataka India has a world heritage site called hampi it was the richest, and largest cities in the world now it stands out for its sure splendor in the ruins surrounded by tungabhadra river on one side, and hills on the other three climbing to the top of any of them gives you a spectacular aerial view of the city, and its temples reading sunrise, and sunset from atop the hills is truly magical which we didn’t want to miss out. So on our last day at hampi which was the 4th day of our trip we decided to watch the sunrise from one of the sunrise points in hampi the monument Raghunath hill namaste Fantine India Kumu it’s a fourth, and last day at hampi a we’re staying at hampi heritage inviting us resort it’s 5:30 in the morning, and we are all set to visit the monument hill to watch the beautiful sunrise we had earlier planned to go to the mat angle. But considering the hike is a slightly tiring one, and the fact that we have a 7 hours drive ahead of us we dropped the idea, and thought of visiting the Malvern Hill.

Hampi Sunrise at Malyavanta Hill India Ghoomo Photo Gallery

So we are going to have a tea right now, and waiting for mr. Venkatesh with a naturalist, and he’s going to take us to the hill Hey everyone it’s 5:30 a.m. and it’s pitch dark outside the Monument Hill is one of the few hilltops in hampi where one can reach bio vehicle a good news for those who find it difficult to hike Hey a 10 minutes drive from the resort led us to the foothills of the Malvern Hill one of the highlights of this hill includes a large temple known as mauve, and raghunatha temple dedicated to Lord Rama a group of Pujari’s continuously chant chopped eyes from chiron chariot – written by Goswami Tulsidas ji hundreds of years ago chanting ramcharitmanas Chapuys can get you rid of many problems in life be it wealth or health, and leads to spiritual growth the continues chanting has made the ambience very positive, and one could feel the energy, and spiritual bliss a short hike from inside the temple complex led us to the hilltop since it was still dark we couldn’t see anything except the Ram temple they soon saw the sky lightening up slowly in the East reading the colors in the sky fade from bright pink, and orange to a light blue was beautiful, and amazing reading the Sun rising from atop the monument Hills through.

The Boulder Laden hills of hampi at a distance is truly an amazing experience, and should not be missed due to the relative isolation of the Malu bunt Hills you would find a much smaller tourist crowd on top of this hill then say the popular math on the hill or the less knocked him acquittal these are the other two Hills that offer spectacular sunrise, and sunset views besides a couple of tourists River other early risers who joined us over the hilltop a number of resident monkeys who were as curious to watch the Sun Rise as we were after having spent some time enjoying the unobstructed view of the westward landscape we made our way back to the resort reading the Sun rise from the malov, and raghunatha Hills was one of the many amazing experiences that made our hampi visit a memorable one we have a number of travel documentaries from a hampi trip coming soon on this blog. So stay tuned hope you enjoyed reading this post give this post a big thumbs up share it with your friends, and leave us a comment down below also comment our blog India kuhmo to get notified of our future post uploads thanks for reading you.

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