Things to do in Rome in one day Rome Guide Budget Check

Benvenuto out a Roma! The Eternal City is one of the world’s most visited capitals. for a reason! So. let’s check it out! Italy is famous for its coffee therefore I ordered a cappuccino and a croissant for breakfast altogether I paid, To get to know Rome I take part in a “Best of Rome tour” from walks of Italy. For you have all the entrance fees covered you skip the lines and you get a free gelato at the end of the tour!

Things to do in Rome in one day Rome Guide Budget Check Photo Gallery

Because there’s so much to see and do in Rome I simply have a panini for lunch which was just. Walking is the best way to get around if you need to cover long distances I recommend using the public transportation system a day pass is Il Vitorriano is the name of this building over there for you can get on top and have a nice view over Rome! So it’s time for some gelato, again for this one you have to pay The yellow was my hostel in Rome they also have privates night in a twin is You can’t leave the city without having Pizza or Pasta Therefore I ordered Spaghetti Carbonara for. The Bar of the hostel is a good nightlife spot A beer here is.

With that we have all the costs for the things to do in Rome in one day! In the next post we will discover the costs for things to do in Istanbul in one day. Stay tuned and comment to his blog.

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