WAYNE NATIONAL FOREST 178,000 acres. Wayne National Forest is comprised of four separate tracts of land in southern and southeastern Ohio. Two units border on the Ohio River. It’s jointly administered with Hoosier National Forest, and forest headquarters are in Indiana.

Large private landholdings exist within the boundaries of this National Forest. There are no designated wilderness areas or really remote places here, but it’s nevertheless an area of attractive forest, with hilly countryside and low elevations.

Included are some rugged cliffs, outcrops, and other rocky scenery, along with numerous streams and some rivers and lakes. There are hardwood forests of oak and hickory, cedar and pine, plus dogwood and redbud. Among the wildlife are deer and wild turkey.

Activities: Backpacking and hiking are available on many mile of easy to moderate trails, including over 60 miles of the North Country and Buckeye Trails (see entries page 232), which coincide here through two units of the forest.

Horseback riding is possible on the 18-mile Stone Church Horsetrail and some other trails. Mountain biking is allowed on most trails. Canoeing is available on the Muskingum River and other rivers. Fishing is also possible. Hunting is permitted during the appropriate season.

Camping Regulations: Camping is allowed throughout the National Forest, except near public recreation areas or where otherwise prohibited. Campfires are discouraged but legal. No permits are necessary. Campers are asked to choose sites which are at least 50 feet from any trail.

For Further Information: Wayne National Forest, 3527 10th Street, Bedford, IN 47421; (812)275-5987.

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