Paimpol (pop. 8200), northwest of St-Brieuc at the end of the Cote de Granite Rose, offers easy access to nearby islands, beaches, and hiking trails. Trains (lhr.

4-5 per day, ‚10) and CAT buses (1 l4hr.; 8 per day; ‚7.20, students ‚5.80) leave av. General de Gaulle for St-Brieuc. From the station, turn right onto av. de General de Gaulle and bear left at the roundabout; the tourist office will be on the left, and the port will be to the right. (02 96 20 83 16; Open June-Sept. M-Sa 9:30am-7:30pm, Su 10am-6pm; Oct.-May M-Sa 9:30am-12:30pm and 1:30-6:30pm.) Hotel Le Goelo , quai Duguay Trouin, has comfortable rooms, some overlooking the port. From the tourist office, walk towars the water and take the first right; the hotel is just ahead. ( 02 96 20 82 74. Breakfast ‚4.60. Singles ‚25, with shower and toilet ‚31; doubles ‚3442; triples ‚54. MCV.) Rue des 8 Patriots is the best bet for restaurants. Postal Code: 22500.

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