Patagonia Tours

So please take a look take a look to this plan take a look of the thorns of the small leaves the legend said that whoever eats falakata will come back to patagonia the idea today is also to feel patagonia not to tell you from the bus the things to the right, and to the left is to fill the place to fill the win here one of my ways to fill the win is to do the Condor let’s look at all together, it’s real the wind of Patagonia the great wind of Patagonia is friend to the andean condor who uses the updrafts to glide as high as, feet soaring above the mountains, and plains the unspoiled landscape, and wilderness of patagonia. How many ways can it be felt feel the place to love the place to smell touch, and feel the wind, and it’s a whole experience, and actually everything comes out from the Census, and will be forever here in your heart, and soul that’s why this but. I want Ian experiences up absolutely unique, and magical, and beautiful you.

Patagonia Tours Photo Gallery

Patagonia trip So please take a look take a look to this plan take a look of the thorns of the small leaves the legend says that whoever eats Calif Adam will come back to Patagonia the trip leader Catalina is just wonderful.

I think she’s really one of the best that we. We’ve had she’s enthusiastic she’s funny she’s fooled energy she loves her country, and really that comes across very well with her authenticity of being in love with Patagonia the idea today is also to feel Patagonia not to tell you from the bus the things to the right, and to the left is to fill the place to fill the wind one of my ways to feel the wind is to do the corner let’s let them all together let’s reel the wind of Patagonia the great wind of Patagonia is friend to the andean condor who uses the updrafts to glide as high as, feet soaring above the mountains, and plains Argentina’s national parks are some of the best places to encounter the local fauna like the guanaco half a million room across South America, and small herds just be careful not to get too close the landscape is very wild, and very beautiful with a while just a wildness about it. I would say this has been a really unique area the Patagonia is you can be standing in the desert surrounded by mountains, and within minutes you’re at the humongous glacier, it’s wonderful, it’s one of those ah-ha moments like going into Yosemite Valley Busha Gardens in Canada it makes you wonder we are in front of the face of the very de Moreno glacier what.

We’ve seen before was a South Face in this National Park we do have more than three glaciers coming down from that continental ice field experience. This is a not an experience most of us get in lifetime. This is great this place is just incredible though it looks like someone spilled ink on the glaciers, and the dye is sliding through, and it’s such a humongous experience that.

I think, it’s just an amazing place the perito moreno glaciar covers square miles, and is the world’s third-largest reserve of fresh water down here we are in a very unique corner of the world full of life full of birds of glaciers glaciers that are frozen but are talking all the time to us to listen the cracking glaciers, and the fold all right, it’s gonna cave in that’s great that’s great lamb is a Patagonian specialty roasted for hours over an open fire which makes for a tender, and juicy barbecued meal trace the paths of Magellan Sir Francis Drake, and Charles Darwin through the chilean fjords the Tierra del Fuego archipelago was named Land of Fire by Magellan who thought he was seeing the fires of the indigenous tribes waiting to ambush his crew the reason that we choose this tour, and all these tours is. Because of a learning, and discovery. I feel that it attracts very well people who are interested in those very things yeah.

I come to learn, and they come to get involved follow the wind, and Patagonia see where it will carry him. I do remember my childhood what was a you know living a growing up in a quiet little place near all the mountains chilly. So much diverse in climates, and regions we got deserts we have temperate rainforest fjords, and channels ice fields volcanoes rivers lakes mountains high peaks, feet you know the bottom of the world is part of what we call Patagonia so.

I think is the uniqueness of of my corner of the world is the diversity, and and the, and the chance that you have to be exposed to the nature, and fight the elements that’s really something there’s a lot of diversity, and climates as it is in in in food my favorite regional dish, and I’ll say it in Spanish is called pastel de choclo that’s some of them something like translated into a corn pie, it’s like shredded beef, and with a hard-boiled egg, and some olives, and chopped onions, and everything is put on a light pot, and covered with the corn, and just put it in the oven, and it’s wait for an hour. So, and it’s really a big meal delicious if you travel south like miles or. So you can reach into large communities of Mapuches, and that’s the name of our largest tries both in Argentina, and and Chile, and there’s a lot of you know things going on politically a lot of environmental issues as well regarding their land, and and their procession, and and their role as well in the society well looking forward to welcoming you all to my corner of the world just to get to discover, and explore, and Argentina Chile Patagonia Antarctica, and more the unspoiled landscape, and wilderness of Patagonia. How many ways can it be cells feel the place to love the place to smell touch, and feel the wind, and it’s a whole experience, and actually everything comes out from the senses, and will be forever here in your heart, and soul that’s why this but.

I want an experiences have absolutely unique, and magical beautiful you.

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