Places to vacation in Hawaii


For many years a radio program from the Islands was aptly named, Hawaii Calls. It calls in a number of ways. Of all tropical vacation areas it is one of the safest and most beautiful while offering a variety of entertainment. An abundance of fine hotels back the beaches. It has a fascinating native culture accompanied by its own unique music. Altogether there are fifty-one thousand guest rooms.

Our fiftieth state, Hawaii, consists of eight major southerly islands in a chain and 124 minor islands. The land mass totals 6,450 square miles, of which 98 percent forms the six major islands. Their coastline runs for 750 miles.

Flying time is five to six hours from the west coast of the U.S. to Honolulu. First to come to view by air is the big island of Hawaii, off to the left of the plane. Two huge mountains, Mauna Kea and Mauna Loa, dominate the island. The southern tip of the island turns out to be the southernmost point of the entire United States. Mauna Kea is the state’s highest peak, 13,796 feet.

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