Approximately 20 million people visit planetariums each year, according to the International Planetarium Society ( Slightly more than 50% of the world’s planetariums are located in North America. Approximately 33% of these planetariums are located in primary or secondary schools; 17% are at colleges and universities; 15% are part of museums and science centers; 7% are associated with observatories or other institutions; the locales of the remaining 27% vary.
Best Planetariums In Usa
Planetariums in USA Photo Gallery
Among U.S. planetariums, the following are the most visited:
Adler Planetarium (Chicago;, Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History (New York, NY; www.haydenplanetarium .org), and Reuben H. Fleet Science Center (San Diego, CA;
Adler Planetarium is one of 10 institutions located on Chicago Park District land adjacent to Lake Michigan. The district attracts 7.8 million visitors annually; the planetarium sees more than 400,000 visitors.
List Of Planetariums In Usa
In 2000, when the Natural History museum in New York opened Hayden Planetarium at its Rose Center for Earth and Space, it attracted 5 million people; annual attendance has since leveled out at 3 million.
The Reuben H. Fleet Science Center, located in Balboa Park in San Diego, reports about 550,000 annual visitors.
Planetariums In The Usa
The following links to a list of prominent planetariums:
114.4 Market Resources
Association of Science-Technology Centers (ASTC), 818 Connecticut Avenue NW,
7th Floor, Washington, DC 20006. (202) 783-7200. (
Best Planetariums In The Usa
Center for Science in the Public Interest, 1220 L Street NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20005. (202) 332-9110. (
International Planetarium Society, 7714 Lookout Court, Alexandria, VA 22306. (