Main Tourist Office: I, Albertinapl. (21 11 40). Follow Operng. up 1 block from the Opera House. The staff gives a free map of the city and the pamphlet Youth Scene, and books rooms for a ‚3 fee plus a 1-night deposit. Open daily 9am-7pm.

Embassies and Consulates: Australia, IV, Mattiellistr. 2 ( 512 85 80). Canada, I, Lau- renzerberg 2 (531 38 30 00). Ireland, I, Rotenturmstr. 16 (715 42 46). New Zealand, XIX, Karl-Tomay-g. 34 (318 85 05), South Africa, XIX, Sandg. 33 (32 06 49 30). UK, ill, Jauresg. 10 (716 13 51 51). US, IX, Boltzmanng. 16 ( 313 39). Currency Exchange: The 24hr. exchange at the main post office has excellent rates and an ‚8 fee for up to US$1100 in traveler’s checks. Otherwise, ATMs are your best bet. American Express: I, Karntnerstr. 21-23 (515 40), down the street from Stephanspl. Cashes AmEx and Thomas Cook (min. ‚7 commission) checks, sells theater tickets, and holds mail for 4 weeks. Open M-F 9am-5:30pm, Sa 9am-noon.

Luggage Storage: Lockers are ‚2 per 24hr. at all train stations.

CRIME IN THE CITY. Vienna is a gentle giant, but it still knows crime. Pickpockets abound on the U-Bahn, and Karlsplatz is home to many pushers and junkies. Be especially cautious in districts X and XIV, as well as in Prater Park and in Vienna’s Red Light District, which covers sections of the Gurtel.


Bookstores: Shakespeare & Company, I, Sterng. 2. Great British magazine selection. Open M-Sa 9am-7pm. The British Bookshop,,!, Weihburgg. 24, has an extensive travel section. Open M-F 9:30am-6:30pm, Sa 9:30am-5pm. Branch at VI, Mariahilferstr. 4. Bi-Gay-Lesbian Resources: Pick up the Vienna Gay Guide (, Extra Con nect, or Bussi from any tourist office or gay bar, cafe, or club. Rosa Lila Villa, VI, Linke Wienzeile 102 ( 587 17 89), is a favored resource and social center for homosexual Viennese and visitors alike. Friendly staff speaks English. Open M-F 5-8pm. Laundromat: Most hostels offer laundry service for ‚4-6. Schnell und Sauber, VII, West- bahnhofstr. 60. Wash ‚4.50, dry ‚1 per 20min. Soap included. Open 24hr.


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