Printable Map Of Austria

Bohemia (1 minute)

The Slaves responded peacefully to the news of revolt by organizing a Pan-Slav congress in Prague, capital of Bohemia (now part of the Czech Republic) in June of 1848, the concept of Austroslavism was promoted which strove to establish an autonomous organization of Habsburg Slaves within the Empire rather than seeking independence. However, some younger attendees sought revolution and fired shots this resulted in a stray bullet killing the wife of the Field Marshal in command of the forces in Prague who responded by ending the conference and placing Bohemia under martial law.

Physical Map Of Austria

Emperor Franz Josef I and his Troubled Family (2 minutes)

The Revolutions of 1848 had prompted Emperor Ferdinand I to abdicate in favor of his nephew Franz Josef I (1848-1916) who was proclaimed Emperor of Austria at Olmutz (Olomouc) on December 2, 1848. In 1854 Franz Josef married his cousin Elizabeth of Bavaria whose beauty was legendary. Empress Elizabeth,

Printable Map Of Austria Photo Gallery

known as “Sissy”, had many conflicts with her mother-in-law the Archduchess Sophia and spent most of her time traveling to avoid court life. Franz Josef maintained an affair with a leading Viennese actress Katharina Schatt which Sissy tolerated. She never recovered from the suicide of her son, the crown prince Rudolf in 1889. She was assassinated in 1898 by an Italian anarchist while visiting Geneva, Switzerland. Comparison is often made between Sissy and Princess Dianna. Rooms at the Hofburg Palace in Vienna that were occupied by Franz Josef and Elizabeth can still be viewed.

Map Of Italy And Austria – Political Map Of Austria

Franz Josef had lost a daughter who died in infancy so when his only son Rudolf heir to the throne shoot himself and his mistress in 1889. After the death of Crown Prince Rudolf, the succession passed to Franz Josef’s brother, Carl Ludwig, who died in 1896. Then the succession passed to Carl’s son Franz Ferdinand whose decedents were not given the right of succession because Franz Ferdinand married outside a woman who was not descended from any of the ruling dynasties of Europe. On June 28, 1914 Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated in Sarajevo (in today’s Bosnia and Herzegovina) which sparked World War I. The Succession then passed to a great nephew who and became Charles I (1916-1918) the last Emperor of the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

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