Puerto Rico Guide

First Puerto Rican farmworkers are flown in to Hartford.

The Hispanic Center of Greater Danbury is founded by a group of Latino community leaders as a civic center to preserve their languages and culture. The Spanish Action Coalition is founded in Hartford.

Urban protests and rioting occur in Hartford. Junta for Progressive Action, Inc. is founded as New Haven’s oldest Latino, community-based organization.

La Escuelita, the first bilingual/bicultural school, is founded in Hartford as a result of the efforts of Marla Sanchez, Professor Perry Alan Zirkel (University of Hartford), and community members such as Esther Jimenez, Antonio Soto, and Edna Negron.

Casa Boriqua is created at Yale University to provide cultural center and living space for Puerto Rican students.

1975 The San Juan Center, under the direction of Yasha Escalera, is founded

to provide community services to Puerto Ricans.

Connecticut Association for United Spanish Action (CAUSA) is founded. CAUSA is a membership organization for Latino social service agencies.

Governor Ella Grasso establishes the first Special Assistant for Puerto Rican Affairs under the Governor’s Office.

La Casa de Puerto Rico files suit against the Hartford Fire Department for discrimination against Puerto Ricans.

Three Kings Day, January 6, is made an official school holiday in Hartford.

The Hispanic Health Council is founded in Hartford to integrate public advocacy; high-level, community-based research; and research-based service to provide outstanding care to the poor and underserved.

The Connecticut Association of Latinos in Higher Education (CALAHE) is established as a nonprofit organization dedicated to promoting the participation of Latinos in different areas of post-secondary education in Connecticut. Membership is composed of Latino and non-Latino personnel and students from institutions of higher and secondary education, as well as other professional organizations that share in the spirit of the organization.

Humanidad Inc. is founded in Rocky Hill to provide bilingual/bicultural educational and residential services, as well as advocacy and health care for persons with disabilities.

American Thread Company closes in Willimantic and many Puerto Rican workers become unemployed.

Connecticut has 13 elected and appointed Latino officials.

The Bridge Academy, an important educational institution for Latinos, is established in Bridgeport.

Eddie Alberto Perez is elected the first Latino Mayor of Hartford and is reelected in 2007.

2006 Day laborers from Ecuador are detained by immigration raids in Danbury and become known as the Danbury 11.

2007 Connecticut has 27 elected and appointed Latino officials.

From June 6 to 11, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) conducts immigration raids that detain 32 people in New Haven after passage of the Elm City Resident Card (New Haven ID card open to all residents). The card provides the opportunity for people without a driver’s license or other form of identification to access municipal and banking services.

Connecticut legislature passes the Dream Act to allow undocumented students, with special criteria, the option to apply for and enroll in state higher education institutions by paying in-state tuition. The measure is vetoed by Governor Jodi Rell.

2008 The State of Connecticut Latino and Puerto Rican Affairs Commission releases a socioeconomic report based on a statewide study.

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