Royalton Riviera Cancun Resort & Spa


THE RESORT Hideaway at Royalton Riviera Cancun Pushups take no more than two minutes and will fi rm your triceps and biceps, plus lift and fi rm your chest, says Brown. Besides the promise of covetable Michelle Obama arms, The improvement in your posture will also make you look leaner and reduce bra bulge,’ especially important for brides wearing backless gowns.

Don’t have the strength to go full plank? Knee pushups are totally acceptable. Start with 20 from the knee and progress to toe pushups. The Exercise

QUICKY CARDIO THE EXPERT Chris Varano THE RESORT Hilton Head Health Walking, cycling, sprinting to and from your MOH’s house what you do doesn’t matter as much as sticking to it.

Varano, fi tness coach and Pilates instructor at Hilton Head Health’s Sweating for the Wedding program, recommends 30 to 40 minutes of cardio three to fi ve days per week.

Pick the level of intensity that feels right to you if the gym is as foreign to you as a honeymoon in Japan, start by taking a brisk walk. It also will relieve stress through the entire wedding-planning process.

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