Salzburg Guide for Tourist

Salzburg Guide for Tourist

At the end of May Salzburg shuts down in recognition of Christi Himmelfahrt. the Catholic holiday of the Ascension. Although the holiday is a celebra tion of Jesus’s return to heaven, part of Salzburg’s observance may seem surprising. At the end of May, antique race cars pour into Residenzpl. revving their engines and parading around town for three days. In 2003 the Gaisberg Race for classic motor cars, which ran from 1929 to 1969, was resurrected by a group of farsighted politicians and antique car lovers. The race is a “regularity contest,” meaning that racers try to match their own times. The 8652m course runs from the city center to the Gais berg. one of three hills overlook ing Salzburg. Beaming from their cars, models 1910 to 1970, the owners make the 672m climb. The event allows car collectors a chance to show off their babies, and gives Salzburgers and tour ists an excuse to gather in the Alt stadt and see some really cool cars. While admiring the competi tors’ automobiles, spectators enjoy the live music and the food stands set up around the edges of Residenzpl.

In 2004. Christi Himmelfahrt falls on Thursday, May 20. The festivities last for three days, through Saturday. For more info, check out the Gaisberg Race’s site: dents ‚7.30.) In addition, from May through August there are outdoor performances, including concerts, folk-singing, and dancing, around the Mirabellgar- ten. The tourist office has leaflets on scheduled events, but an evening stroll through the park might answer your questions just as well. Mozartplatz and Kapltelplatz are also popular stops for talented street musicians and touring school bands.

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