Chicago Subway Map

Chicago Subway Map to US

History for Chicago Subway Map
Turn left and you will find yourself at Brighton Pier ( Chicago Subway Map previously known as the Palace Pier). The Royal Albion Hotel opposite the pier, which was burnt Chicago Subway Map down a few years back, is believed to be haunted with the ghost of one of Brighton’s greatest impresarios, Sir Harry Preston. An engineer working here reports receiving a severe blow in one of the hotel bedrooms, and parts of the hotel have been found to be unusually cold for no obvious reason.

Proceed eastwards along Marine Parade (the A259 Newhaven road), following the landward side but still enjoying fine sea views. Just beyond the New Steine turning you turn left up Rock Place. In the Battle of Waterloo pub in this road there was once an apparition of a woman in a long grey dress, and also a ghostly coachman who in the 1970s was seen walking towards the gents and who in 1996 was said to glide through the front door.

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