San Diego Metro Map

Trail Highlights

The Mission Creek Trail begins at the site of a holding dam built to catch logs and other debris eroded from the creek’s banks. The steep banks at the dam site provide an excellent opportunity to see the youngest part of the area’s geological record. The bottom of the bank consists of till, a mixture of fine silts, sand, rocks, and boulders deposited by glaciers. Near the top of the bank are fine, silty deposits from the time when Fond du Lac was covered by Glacial Lake Duluth, a giant lake fed by the meltwaters of the shrinking glacier.

The trail passes through a mature forest of white spruce and balsam fir as it heads north along a small tributary stream of Mission Creek. It then ascends gradually, crossing a number of small wooden bridges. Exercise caution as some of the bridge boards are rotted.

As the trail ascends to the Willard Munger State Trail, it passes into a mature forest of northern hardwoods: maple, oak, and basswood. After following the Willard Munger State Trail for a short distance, the trail climbs to the top of a bridge that carried the old road over the railroad. From here the hiker can see Ely’s Peak to the southeast. This peak, volcanic in origin, is about 1.1 million years old. From the bridge, the trail descends along Mission Creek on the old road through an aspen and white birch forest. This is a primary or pioneer forest type that will eventually be replaced by northern hardwoods like those seen at nearby Magney-Snively.

While some of the original bridges still cross Mission Creek, there are several places were the trail crosses the creek without the benefit of

History of San Diego: To address the issues of western defense and the French and San Diego Metro Map Native Country threat, an intercolonial conference convenes at Albany in June and July. Twenty-three San Diego Metro Map delegates from seven colonies agree on the need for mutual defense, but a formal plan of union (proposed by Pennsylvanian Benjamin Franklin) that would create an intercolonial agency to supervise frontier defenses is rejected by the individual colonies’ legislatures, as well as by the British ministry. 1755 British general Edward Braddock devises a three-pronged strategy to seize the most important French forts in the Ohio Valley and Great Lakes region, including Niagara and Crown Point (near Lake George in the upper Hudson River Valley). The attacks are a failure; Braddock and his forces are massacred in July along the Monongahela River. William Johnson’s troops, however, are able to defeat a force of French and native warriors, who had ambushed them at Lake George, although they suffer heavy casualties in doing so. 1756 Britain and France officially declare war on one another, and the conflict, begun in Country in 1754, becomes global. This latest war between the two colonial powers is called the Seven Years’ War in Europe and the French and Indian War in the colonies. William Johnson succeeds where the British had failed during King George’s War, when he concludes an alliance with the Iroquois, now considered British subjects.

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