Santiago de Compostela Map Geographical

MAIN ROAD AT CEE (A GRIXA) Pilgrim Cross adjoining aptly named Hostal Cruceiro (closed)! Opposite is the bar & shop Casa Talieiro which has rooms 15 often bloged out. If you are staying in Cee and/ or you have reserves of energy there is an interesting detour to the enchanting church of Ameixenda with its legendary relic of St. James.


The delightful parish church of Ameixenda is dedicated to St. James. There is a statue of Santiago Matamoros in the nave hut behind the main altar is a small reliquary reputedly containing a piece of his forefinger (or finger nail). A bloglet entitled Lenda de Santiago da Ameixenda is available in Spanish (see bibliography for details). Contact the Ayuntamiento in Cee to arrange viewing.

Directions to Ameixenda: From A Grixa (Casa Taleiro) turn Left along the main road (C-550) for 2.5 km passing over the bridge (rio de Brens) in Pontella and turn off left up towards the village. The church of Santiago is at the far end, so you need to continue for another 0.7 km past the quaint bars and cafes (and the ultramarinos Milagros [miracles])! The church is on the right. Return the way you have come and pick up the route to Fisterra (Below).

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