Norwegian Cruise Ship

Northern Scandinavia’s rugged mountains ocean inlets, and vivid blue fjords.

I’m having a region and This is something. I’ve always wanted to do. I’ve been up to the Bluebird in the islands before and I like to just do the whole trip enjoy the savory completely the reindeer were wandering me to the strip who’d Gruden did a great job of the little ceremony we had when we cross the order circle cod liver oil, and berry wine whether on board or ashore what parts of nature’s Majesty will stand out amongst the astonishing beauty of Finland, and Norway miles past the mouth of the Sonja fjord Norway’s longest, and deepest fjord lie the statuesque the footin islands – seen all these little islands out there above the coast of Norway’s has been unbelievable here we’re on the ocean, and we’re looking into the beautiful coastal scenery, it’s a wonderful perspective the Lofoten archipelago is dotted with small fishing villages well above the Arctic Circle people here witnessed drastic changes in light from -hour daylight between May, and early August – just a bluish Twilight lasting three hours in December, and January we only have to unpack once, it’s like the River Cruises hotel goes with you know every city just, it’s a great way to drop food was terrific they had a wide variety of dishes including a lot of fish dishes that were very different from anything.

Norwegian Cruise Ship Photo Gallery

I’ve had in the States, and it was delicious very beautifully prepared the scenery down in the southern part as we approach Brogan is. So much different than the very stark scenery are annoyed calm, and coming down the upper coat Bergen located on the west coast of Norway is home to the brig in an area containing the historical harbour buildings that inspired UNESCO to declare the city a World Heritage Site scenery is beautiful, and you know the program directors just have. So much information, and they freely give it just just wonderful fussing by the aquarium, and be careful out there there’s a lot of Norwegians Oh, it’s their part of the world, and they are willing, and happy to talk about it what is funicular me wait sir, it’s a small railway basically up the hill there so.

I don’t know the exact meaning but, it’s tiny tiny railroad going up the mountain the Floyd Bannen fer Nick Euler is found in the heart of Bergen the journey up to the flow in a sense – meters above sea level you need to go up the funicular that that’s a tremendous view of the city traditionally the buildings of burgoo were constructed in a fire raged building after building went up in smoke, and % of the city was damaged only a few of the traditional style buildings were left at the harbour the cost, and risk of fire led to the modernization of Bergen in the th century when the city adopted the new block system you there’s the experience of hours of daylight above the Arctic Circle was just something that’s hard to grasp, and it was just beautiful when you turn a corner you find something new a new way of presenting food or some old houses that. I wasn’t expecting, it’s wonderful. So quite a learning experience.

I tell my grandchildren all the time you never stop learning and So every year we tried to plan an adventure. I dream that for a while a trip of endless beauty a coastline of treasures, and a leisurely pace to take it all in Finland is known for prioritizing both developing technologies, and protecting nature Helsinki represents the urban core of Finland, and was named the world design capital for Lapland in the north is the home of the Sami indigenous people best known for their semi-nomadic reindeer herding oh that was a very picky Peppa Gator, and their song chants called yolks you.

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