St. Louis Metro Map

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History for St. Louis Metro Map
At the end of Middle Street, turn right into the St. Louis Metro Map narrow Angel Street – do take care as you walk, as there is no pavement and traffic St. Louis Metro Map does move quite fast along it. There are some austere red brick houses to the right to begin with, but to the left, a little further down, is the early eighteenth-century Angel Hotel and the green-painted Angel House with the date 1626 inscribed on it. Just beyond that is the tile-hung Old Walls Cottage – note the slightly protruding lower storey! Further down to the left is the 1896 Roman Catholic Church.

Don’t continue along the main road, but bear left by the church, following the track bearing the ‘No Through Road’ sign, and descend to a gorgeous viewpoint overlooking acres of unspoilt countryside, a lovely surprise so close to the bustling town centre, and another indication of the town’s remarkable compactness. Turn left through a wooden ‘turnstile’; though primarily designed to deter cyclists, it is not particularly pushchair or wheelchair friendly either, and if you find it impossible to negotiate your pushchair or wheelchair through it, it is necessary to backtrack along Angel Street, turning right into East Street and arriving at the church where you may pick up the route again. Assuming you do get through, follow a concrete path, keeping the sensational views to the right, but noting also some commemorative trees by the path which were planted for the Queen’s Silver Jubilee in 1977.

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