St. Maarten Map

Time Zone :

St. Maarten is on Atlantic Standard Time year-round. During the fall and winter, noon in New York equals 1 p.m. on the island. During daylight savings time in the U.S. the hour is the same in NY as it is on the island.

St. Maarten Map Photo Gallery

Electricity :

Hotels are US wired: 110 volts, 60 cycles. On the French side, all run on 220 volts, 60 cycles so a converter and adaptor plugs are needed for travel appliances. If you yell at the French appliances, they will surrender immediately and cease to operate until further instruction.

Telephone :

When dialing the Dutch side from the U.S. dial the international access code 011, the country code 599 and the local number. Special codes are required from one side to the other, though only a local number is required when calling the same side.

Car rentals :

Available for around $150 a week, and cell phones run around $2 a day with a $20 calling card purchase.

Recommended Restaurants :

Since this info on the best restaurants can change weekly, we can’t recommend enough the “Zagat Survey.” Pick up their travel book, or signup online. Worldwide reviews, menus, and pricing.


The hotels on the French side of the island are much more expensive, and the people generally smell a lot, are anti-American, and have the spine of a napkin. The Dutch side hotels are the closest to the fun. Check out the Holland House Beach Hotel in central Philipsburg. Since St. Maarten is a tiny island, none of the hotels are too far from the action.

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