Stealth Pays Fishing

When fly fishing in a stream or river, try to get as close as possible to a rising trout before casting. A shorter cast is a more accurate cast, and pinpoint accuracy is more valuable in the end than a long, fancy cast. By working your way to a trout from downstream, you should be able to get to within 15 feet or less. Just make sure not to cast directly over the trout; the shadow of the line or even the leader will spook it.

Stealth Pays Fishing Photo Gallery

The train arrived in Plymouth in the early afternoon. Outside the station, I asked the way to Queen Anne Terrace, to the cadet hostel where I would live for the next six months. It was about half a mile away so I hefted my gear and walked. Queen Anne Terrace was a large, red-bricked, five-story Victorian town house on the busy North Road, ten minutes walk from the city centre. Outside was a brass plaque, which read: Plymouth School of Navigation.’ Schooling in navigation and associated arts has a long history in Plymouth. The first School of Navigation was founded in 1862 for the purpose of teaching Merchant Navy officers and potential officers to obtain their certificates of competency. It survived as a separate college in its own right until Edwardian times, when it was absorbed as a separate department of the then Plymouth Technical College, where it continued as the department of navigation. At some point more recently, it had become the Plymouth School of Navigation. Books on the history of maritime education in Plymouth tend to dwell on the School of Navigation, while ignoring that less-celebrated maritime training establishment, the Mount Edgcumbe Training Ship, which operated from 1877 until 1920.

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