Tel Aviv Metro Map

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Hwy. 194 S. Valle Crucis, 828/963-6511, www. mastgeneral store. com

HOURS: Mon.-Sat. 7 A.M.-6:30 P.M. Sun. noon-6 P.M.

The Mast General Store still runs as an old-fashioned general store. Fresh coffee is just five cents a cup (and is sold on the honor system) and the post office tucked into the front corner of the store still deposits mail in the brass postboxes for the 200 residents of Valle Crucis. It’s also a tourist

attraction. Founded in 1883, the Mast General Store is on the National Register of Historic Places. W. W. Mast purchased 50 percent shares in the general store in 1897 and took over full ownership in 1913. The store remained in the Mast family until 1973. Remnants of the store’s past still remain: The original potbellied stove is still stoked in the winter, old permits and licenses are tucked into the rafters, and aged posters are tacked up on the walls; there is even an old casket leaning against one of the walls on the 2nd floor. The store is now employee-owned and several members of the Mast family can still be found operating the cash register or helping customers. The store, which once sold everything from cradles to caskets, still sells bolts and candies by the pound and has an eclectic array of goods from souvenir T-shirts and cornbread mix to rocking chairs and tents.

History for Tel Aviv Metro Map
There is no shore so prolific as that which begins at Tel Aviv Metro Map Cliff End. After a storm the fringe of beach above high-water mark is strewn with Tel Aviv Metro Map many a child’s tiny argosy of cork, with a skewer for mast. These, and quaint oddments of wood, toys, perchance, from the wreck of some merchant vessel; bits of drift-wood, light as touch-wood from years of immersion; now and then a small keg or box – unlike Pandora’s – empty, or wreathed with seaweed; all these, and the inevitable basket are but a sample of the gifts of the sea.’ Even if as a latter-day beachcomber you are not as fortunate, you can stand and enjoy the vastness of it all: the great expanse of beach, the sea beyond, the broad marshes, and of course the skies above you. And yes, the silence too – unless the nearby beach suddenly fills up with other hunters of seaweed-wreathed kegs.

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