The College Club US Map & Phone & Address

44 Commonwealth Ave. Boston, MA 02116; (617) 536-9510

Founded decades ago as the nation’s first private society for female college graduates, the College Club continues to thrive (even though co-eds are commonplace now) as a network- z grr’ap for women in the profes-tmet world. Meanwhile, their fash-rcaeLe digs in the Back Bay rgrrern inexpensive rooms which stt jpea to anyone of either gender.

Mae rooms are available to two sizes (the rooms, not the .an . The larger rooms, with a erg twin beds and a private bath, S~: per night for one person, and S -5 for couples; smaller singles go f:r $50 a night, with a shared ri£=r:.^r, along the hall.

The College Club US Map & Phone & Address Photo Gallery

During a northerly swell, big rollers curl and break over the Islestone Shad and it is marked as such on the Admiralty charts. The Elbow is another shad’ or bus’, a permanently-submerged area of shallow hilly ground and, as such, difficult to locate without a sounder. It covers an area of around 200 metres and is situated about 300 metres east of the south end of Megstone. The tidal.flow is strong so you could use the same technique as that for the Swedman. Look for it when the tide is running hard and this will reveal where the ground is, as the water boils over the top of the bus. Then throw in a heavy shot line with a large marker buoy and come back later; it is, though, possible to dive when the tide is in full flow on the flood, except during springs. When the visibility is good, the kelp fronds can easily be seen at low water. Depths are very similar to that of the Islestone. There is a lot of heavy kelp and a fair number of rock ledges and gullies but very few crevices or holes and the scenery is rather boring in general due to the flattish nature of the rock.

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