The Dominican Republic Map Tourist Attractions

Most of the night life in Boca Chica takes place on Calle Duarte, which is the street that runs parallel to the beach, 1 block in. Which places are popular change from season to season, but one thing is for sure, night life in Boca Chica has two phases, 7-11pm and 11pm to 4am. From 7-11pm, Calle Duarte gets blocked off at both ends and becomes pedestrian only. Most of the restaurants are completely open on one side and extend their service into the sidewalk and street. By midnight, the restaurants close and people head out to the discos.

There are a number of cheaper Gentleman’s hotels in Sosua, definitely on the cheap side. These are truly all inclusive, as they include women supplied by the hotel management. Most every guest is a gringo.

Sousa Palace $45, Hotel manager is a Pimp Daddy, has a black book for of local girls for dates on site. Gringo hotel.

The Game Plan :

Boca Chica is a tiny beachfront city that derives its income solely from tourism. Parallel to the beach is the main street, which runs barely a mile. It’s lined with bars, local shops, tourist crap, and hundreds of women. You literally just have to walk the strip and you’ll be propositioned relentlessly. A lot of the girls cruise up and down on little motorcycles looked for men. There arc short time motels right on the strip for $10, the girls are around $25, with no time limit. Be real careful for theft if you bring one back to the hotel, particularly the hardcore disco pros at night. Avoid overnight guests like the plague. Check ID’s on the girls, they start real young here. There have been some political crackdowns as of late, in the evening the women will only be pros. The cops are arresting locals who loiter after 11pm.

The Dominican Republic Map Tourist Attractions Photo Gallery

In the daytime stroll around the beach and be patient, you’ll find dozens and dozens of local young girls who can’t wait to hear all about your life in the local Motel 6 .more like Motel l/6’h. Daytime pricing is 500 pesos. Since they speak no English, you can really dazzle them with the tales of how you made your first billion. The women are very dark skinned, and the range in talent is considerable. For the most part though, they are extremely nice to the local Gringo, and will flash you, grab your crotch, and compete in numbers for the chance to have you. Negotiate all terms up front no matter what. For a more adventurous technique, rent a car a drive around the outskirts of town. To find a cute available local girl is like shooting fish in a barrel.

At nighttime, the easiest route is to grab a seat at one of the outdoor cafes and watch the strutting chicas go by until you see one that must be conquered. As simple as that. If you want to dance, you’ll find clubs and freelancers all over town. Try La Noria and Zanzibar, and Casa de Modelos. There are about 40 girls looking to date you for around 1200-1500 pesos for overnight. Also Remington Palace and the Cosmos disco. The 4 Roses and the Sexy Lady are a few other popular spots. The best beach bar is La Isla Bonita. This town is so poor its 4Ih world country, don’t get your sightseeing expectations high. The names of the clubs will change frequently. What you want to do is go to as many as you can the first day until you run into a pack of gringos. There are a number of bars owned by younger Americans who’ve moved down here. The country is a very popular hangout for the quick 3-day getaway from Miami. There will be plenty of pros there who’ve been dozens of times you can show you the latest hot spots.

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