The Sports Depot US Map & Phone & Address

353 Cambridge St. Allston; (617) 783-2300

What gives this place its character is it the authentic brownstone train station of its origin? The autographed murals of Boston sports heroes? Or the nearly fifty TV sets scattered around the place, even in the bathrooms, so you never miss a second of the half-dozen games being shown at any one time?

Surely, it’s all of these not to mention the food, which could fill a stadium itself. Giant burgers and sandwiches, all around $6; complete chicken and steak dinners, with vegetables and fresh salads, at $10 to $11; individual pizzas for $4.95: fajita dinners for $9.95 all with the basic intention of stuffing you silly. Big desserts, too.

Sunday through Thursday, the Depot offers two dinners for $12.95; choose from a BBQ half-chicken, lemon pepper schrod, shrimp Alfredo, teriyaki steak tips, and several others. Salad and coffee are included. Great deal.

There are, of course, several bars of varying sizes around the cavernous room; but for an extra thrill, sit out in the enclosed patio that faces the train tracks. When ol’ Casey Jones thunders by, you can practically reach out and touch the cars. Oh, and don’t worry there are TVs here as well. Open from 11:30 A.M. to 12:30 A.M. seven days.

The Sports Depot US Map & Phone & Address Photo Gallery

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