Thunder from Down Under Show at Excalibur Hotel in Las Vegas

Australia is known as one of the hottest places in the world and some of that heat has been brought here to Vegas. I’m with Thunder from Down Under. Hi guys.

You have been performing here in Vegas for quite a while, right? Yeah Yeah, the show’s been here since 2001. Here at Excalibur, we’re performing seven nights a week, so if anyone wants to come and check it out next week, come down and say g’day.

Thunder from Down Under Show at Excalibur Hotel in Las Vegas Photo Gallery

What can they expect from the show? It’s a fully choreographed show, we have state-of-the-art lighting, we have breakdancing, we have gymnastics, we have a bit of everything for everyone in the show, so it’s a lot of fun, we start out in characters, that we think women might find appealing and work our way down from there. I like doing the cowboy routine, I think that’s a pretty popular one, a lot of girls select the rough tough cowboy guy.

What’s the music behind it? It’s a huge mix of songs, we have hip hop, R&B, rock music, old school, all sorts of different styles. This room creates the type of atmosphere that you can’t get anywhere else, I think the girls step out of themselves when we’re in this room. For the hour and a half that they’re here, they just, something happens to their minds and they just go crazy.

G’day, we’re Australia’s Thunder from Down Under. We’re playing Excalibur Hotel seven nights a week, so make sure you check us out at

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