Travel to Florida

Travel to Florida


Located in the northwestern part of the state, Apalachicola is the largest of Florida’s three National Forests. It includes some beautiful pine forests and swamps, grassy savannahs, many creeks, a few small lakes, and several fine rivers.

White-tailed deer, black bear, and alligator are among the wildlife here. There are two designated wilderness areas: the 24,600-acre Bradwell Bay Wilderness and the 8,000-acre Mud Swamp/New River Wilderness.

Activities: The major trail here for hiking and backpacking is the 60-mile Apalachicola Trail, which is part of the Florida Trail (see entry page 132). Difficulty is easy to moderate. Some sections of tbe trail, especially in the Bradwell Bay Wilderness, are wet for much of the year.

Flatwater canoeing is possible on several rivers, with spring the best time for this activity. Horseback riding is available on the Vinzant Riding

Trail, along with other trails and roads. Fishing is another option. Hunting is permitted in season.

Camping Regulations; Camping and campfires are allowed almost anywhere in the National Forest, except near day use areas or where posted otherwise. Permits are not required. No-trace camping is encouraged. During deer hunting season campers must use designated sites.

For Further Information: Apalachicola National Forest, 227 North Bronough Street, Suite 4061, Tallahassee, FL 32301; (904)681-7265.

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