Travel to Iowa

Travel to Iowa


This state forest consists of six separate units in south-central Iowa. Included are areas of oak-hickory forest and some prairie, with two ponds and several creeks. White-tailed deer, coyote, and fox are among the wildlife.

Activities: There’s a small network of trails in the forest for hiking and backpacking. Cross-country skiing is possible during winter. Fishing is also available. Hunting is permitted in season.

Cam ping Regulations: Camping is restricted to several designated areas for backpackers along

trails in the western part of the 3,256-acre Whitebrest Unit. No fee is necessary.

For Further Information: Stephens State Forest, RR 3, Chariton, IA 50049; (515)774-4559.

Travel to Iowa Photo Gallery

At about 1130 hrs on 17 October 1943, the Assuan left the loading berth at Lambton and Hetton Staiths at Sunderland for passage to Stromness with a cargo of coal and coke. The cargo included 426 tons and 10 cwt of Lambton house coal and 53 tons and 17 cwt of Lambton large coke nuts. 283.9 tons of coal were stowed in no. 2 hold, 142.6 tons of coal were stowed in no. 1 hold, forward partly on top of the coke, which was stowed at the after end of no.1 hold. The coke was improperly loaded underneath the coal and she sailed with a 5-6° list to port, with a considerable amount of water in one of the ballast tanks. As the vessel proceeded out to sea she had the wind, a fresh to strong breeze, about abeam on the starboard side.

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