Travel to Massachusetts

Travel to Massachusetts


4,321 acres. Monroe State Forest is located in a mountainous, hardwood-forested area near the northwest corner of Massachusetts. There are nice views here from ridgetops and rock outcroppings. Highest elevation is 2,730-foot Spruce Mountain.

Activities: Hiking and backpacking are available on 9 miles of trails in the forest. Fishing is also feasible. Hunting is permitted in season.

Camping Regulations: Camping is allowed at three lean-tos and several other designated backpack campsites which are situated along the trails. Campfires may be built at established sites.

For Further Information: Monroe State Forest, c/o Mohawk Trail State Forest, P.O. Box 7, Char-lemont, MA 01339; (413)339-6631 (summer); (413)339-5504 (winter).

Travel to Massachusetts Photo Gallery

The 5,224-ton British steamship King Neptune (1928 – King Line, Ltd, Fitting was born on 27 May 1920 in Stargard, Pomerania and began his naval career in 1939, doing his officer training between September 1939 and August 1940. He served with 23rd and 25th U-Flottille between May 1941 and March 1943 and was promoted to Oblt.z.S. on 1 October 1943 Fedor Kuscher was born in Trebus on 19 January 1919 and began his naval career in 1939. He served as Watch Officer with 34th Minesweeping Flotilla, 13th VP-Boat Flotilla and 22nd Minesweeping Flotilla before commencing U-boat training in March 1943. Kuscher was promoted to Oblt.z.S. (R) on 1 January 1944.

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