Travel to Nice France

Travel to Nice France


Avenue Jean-Medecin, on the left as you exit the train station, and boulevard Gambetta, on the right, run directly to the beach. Place Massena is lOmin. down av. Jean-Medecin. Along the coast, promenade des Anglais is a people-watching paradise. To the southeast, past av. Jean-Medecin and toward the bus station, is Vieux Nice. Women should not walk alone after sundown, and everyone should exercise caution at night around the train station, Vieux Nice, and promenade des Anglais.

Tourist Office: Av. Thiers (08 92 70 74 07;, by the train station. Makes same-day hotel reservations; best chances of getting a room are between 9 and 11am. Ask for Nice: A Practical Guide, and a map. Open lune-Sept. M-Sa 8am-8pm, Su 9am-6pm; Oct.-May M-Sa 8am-7pm.

Consulates: Canada, 10 r. Lamartine (04 93 92 93 22). Open M-F 9am-noon. UK, 26 av. Notre Dame (04 93 62 13 56). Open M, W, F 9;30-ll:30am. US, 7 av. Gustave V (04 93 88 89 55). Open M-F9-ll:30am and 1:304:30pm.

American Express: 11 prom, des Anglais (04 93 16 53 53). Open daily 9am-8:30pm. Laundromat: Laverie Nipoise. 7 r. d’ltalie (04 93 87 56 50). Beside Basilique Notre-Dame. Open M-Sa 8:30am-12:30pm and 2:30-7:30pm. Wash ‚4. Dry ‚2 per20min. Police: (04 93 17 22 22). At the opposite end of bd. M. Foch from av. lean-Medecin. Hospital: St-Roch, 5 r. Pierre Devoluy (04 92 03 33 75).

Internet Access: Teknosoft, 16 r. Paganini, (04 93 16 89 81), has 14 computers with English keyboards. Open daily 9am-10pm. ‚2 per30min. Alexso Info, 1 r. de Belgique (04 93 88 65 02), has 12 computers and 8 English keyboards. ‚0.90 per lOmin. Open daily 10am-8pm.

Post Office: 21 av. Thiers (04 93 82 65 22), near the train station. Open M-F 8am-7pm, Sa 8am-noon. Address mail to be held: Firstname SURNAME, Poste Restante, Recette Principale, Nice 06000, FRANCE. Postal Code: 06033 Nice Cedex 1.

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