Upper Geyser Basin Yellowstone

hot spring began a hitherto unseen boiling and doming-up activity. Organisms in the runoff from this spring create a fan of color you can see from across the Firehole. Down the hill are two bubbling springs, first East Chinaman Spring and then the famous Chinese Spring, where an Asian laundryman (actually Japanese) used to draw his supply of water and one day accidentally caused an eruption. Beyond Chinese Spring the walkway goes to benches that are ideally located for watching Beehive Geyser erupt across the river.

Continuing past the benches returns you to Old Faithful Inn and Geyser. Retrace your steps from Chinese Spring to follow the main path. Back on the main walkway Stop on the footbridge across the Firehole River. Nowhere is the river more beautiful than in this area on the way to Geyser Hill. Wildflowers abound at least until midsummer, the river itself is crystal clear, and the brightly stained banks add to the magical effect.

Upper Geyser Basin Yellowstone Photo Gallery

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