Valley of Geysers Russia

Valley of Geysers is located in Kamchatka Peninsula which is located on the eastern side of Russia. It is the world’s second largest area of warm geysers which is spread over in 6 kilometers. There are 20 big geysers and many small ones too.

It was discovered by a Russian lady scientist called Tatyana Ustinov in 1941. After that this area was searched thoroughly. In 1970, many geysers were named. Among them the ‘Giant Geyser’ is the biggest and it spurts up till a height of 40 meters above the ground. In 1980’s it was changed into a tourist place. UNESCO included it in its World Heritage Sites.

The mudflow that occurred on 3rd June, 2007, affected the geysers badly and many warm geysers were buried under rocks which caused a flood in eth surrounding areas.

This place is very hard to reach and is accessible only by helicopters. A river has also started with the water from eth geysers and is called, “Geysernaya’. Its water along with mud forms mire. Its smell prevails in the atmosphere. The geysers spurt up and clash on the mountains and fall down as waterfalls and due to the smoke coming out from them the atmosphere is given a new essence. The smell and the different volcanic elements result in eth soil to be of different colors like red, black, yellow, pink etc. It looks as if a carpet if spread out on the ground. Tourists feel that they have entered a new world while visiting this place.

Valley of Geysers Russia Photo Gallery

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