Venice City Map – Free Download in Printable Version

Venice City Map – Free Download in Printable Version

Walk to Riva degii Schiavoni

  • Price: FREE
  • Duration:

Continue out of the square to the south and onto the waterfront promenade of the Riva degii Schiavoni.

Riva degii Schiavoni

  • Price: FREE
  • Duration: 20 minutes

This is the elegant waterfront promenade favored by Venetians when taking their evening “passegiata”. It is a much-gentrified walk with excellent views, great restaurants and wonderful hotels. Initially it was the docks where Slovenia merchants landed their wares but over time it was developed into a picturesque walk. Along the route you can see the statue to Vittorio Emanuele II, the house of Henry James, Church of Pieta where Vivaldi performed and the Bridge of sighs.

Venice City Map – Free Download in Printable Version Photo Gallery

Walk to the Bridge of Sighs

  • Price: FREE
  • Duration:

Enjoy a pleasant walk along the Riva until the Ponte Paglia where you can stand and take photos of the Bridge of Sighs.

The Bridge of Sighs

  • Price: FREE
  • Duration: 5 minutes

Ponte dei Sospiri, is a covered limestone bridge that crosses the Rio di Palazzo. This is the fabled bridge whose name was coined by Lord Byron in the 19th century. These were the last views convicted criminals would have as they made their way from the interrogation rooms of the Doge Palace to the cells. Although by the time of its construction in 1602 the cells held mainly petty criminals. It is also believed that lovers will find everlasting love if they kiss, in a gondola at sunset, beneath the bridge.

Walk to Columns of St Theodore and St Mark

  • Price: FREE
  • Duration:

Carry on along the Riva until you arrive at the columns and the entrance to the Piazzetta San Marco.

Columns of St Theodore and St Mark

  • Price: FREE
  • Duration: 5 minutes

Indicates the former high tide mark of the lagoon and the entrance into Piazzetta San Marco. The columns were taken as booty from Constantinople. The statue of St Theodore is made from the pieces of old roman statues, while the statue of the winged lion represents St Mark and is also the symbol of Venice. For many years the only legal place people could gamble in Venice was between the two pillars and it was also the site of public executions.

Walk to the Royal Gardens

  • Price: FREE
  • Duration:

Leaving the piazzette you are free to take another walk around the vast expanse of the Piazza San Marco but it’s also worth returning to the Riva and turning right to have a pleasant rest after your walk in the Royal Gardens.

Royal Gardens

  • Price: FREE
  • Duration: 30 minutes

Free Admission. These were created by Napoleon during his reign in Venice, so he could look out over them from the windows of the Procuratie Nuove. You too can now enjoy the well-manicured garden with its shaded benches beneath the trees and look over the canal to the Basilica Santa Maria Salute and see St Mark’s Bell Tower in Piazza San Marco behind you. The Royal Gardens are the perfect place to get away from the crowds in the piazza.

Aperativo Time & Dinner

  • Price: FREE
  • Duration: -262986 hour and 30 minutes

Aperativo Time:

The nearby Harry’s Bar is the perfect place for an aperativo, an early evening drink with nibbles, this is a popular and lively caffe bar that is reasonably priced.


Antica Carbonera this is a stylish, elegant restaurant in the historic heart of Venice, north of the piazza. For those looking for some local cuisine the Fegato Venezia, (liver) is a great choice.


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