Louis XTV, the Sun King, built and held court at Versailles’ extraordinary palace, 12km west of Paris. The incredibly lavish chateau embodies the extravagance of the Old Regime, especially in the Hall of Mirrors and fountain-filled gardens. (Chateau open May-Sept. Tu-Su 9am-6:30pm; Oct.-Apr. Tu-Su 9am-5:30pm. 7.50, over-60 and after 3:30pm 5.30 (entrance A). Audio (lhr. 4) and guided tours at entrances C and D (l-2hr.; 4, under-18 2.70), respectively. Gardens open dawn-dusk; 3, under 18 and after 6pm free.) A shuttle (round-trip 5, ages 3-12 3) runs behind the palace to the Grand and Petit Trianons, and to Marie Antoinette’s peasant fantasy, the Hameau. (Both Trianons Open Nov.-Mar. Tu-Sa noon-5:30pm; Apr.-Oct. noon-6pm. 5. Under-18 free.) Take any RER C5 train beginning with a “V” from M: Invalides to the Versailles Rive Gauche station (30-40min. every 15min. round-trip 5). Buy your RER ticket before getting to the platform; a Metro ticket will not get you through the RER turnstiles at Versailles.


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