The Protestant Reformation began here in 1517 when Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the SchloBkirche; Wittenberg (pop. 48,000) has been fanatical about its native heretic ever since. All the major sights lie around Collegien-straBe. The CiLutherhalle, Collegienstr. 54, chronicles the Reformation through letters, texts, art, and artifacts. ( 420 30. Open Apr.-Oct. daily 9am-6pm; Nov.-Mar. Su and Tu-Sa 10am-5pm. ‚5, students ‚3.) The SchloBkirche allegedly holds Luther’s body and a copy of the 95 Theses. The tower offers a sumptuous view of the countryside. (Down SchloSstr. Church open M-Sa 10am-5pm, Su ll:30am-5pm. Free. Tower open M-F noon-4pm, Sa-Su 10am-4pm. ‚1, students ‚0.50.)

Trains leave for Berlin (lV&hr. every 2hr. ‚17) and Leipzig (lhr. every 2hr. ‚9). From the station, follow the street curving right and continue until Collegienstr. the start of the pedestrian zone. The tourist office, Schlofipl. 2, provides maps, leads tours (‚6), and books rooms. (49 86 10. Open Mar.-Oct. M-F 9am-6pm, Sa 10am-

3pm, Su llam-4pm; Nov.-Feb. M-F 10am-4pm, Sa 10am-2pm, Su llam-3pm.) The Jugendherberge (HI) is in the castle across from the tourist office. (40 32 55. Breakfast included. Sheets ‚3.50. Reception 3-10pm. Dorms ‚15, under-27 ‚12.) Cheap eats lie along the Collegienstr.-Schlofistr. strip. Postal Code: 06886.


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