Map Of Glasgow Scotland

Hermony / The Seein Distance

Sophie Cooke

The distance atween twa frequencies o soond is whit perfects thaim, heard thegither.

Yer stanes cam awa fae thair cauf-grund tae shape an airt whance ye micht leuk back on it.

Nae city’s sic a city as it thinks, no sae faur fae the laund lain aneath it.

Glesgae lilts, at shairp twaloors, tae its redd stanes tae their rocks, glass tae its sandy bed I cam miles awa fae ye, juist tae fare the seein distance whilk isnae thare.

Harmony / The Seeing Distance

Sophie Cooke

The distance between two frequencies of sound is what perfects them, heard together.

Your stones came away from their birth-ground to make a place where you might look back on it.

No city’s such a city as it thinks, not so far from the land lying beneath it.

Glasgow lilts, at open noon, to its spawning-bank stones to their rocks, glass to its sandy bed I came miles away from you, just to travel the seeing distance which isn’t there.

Map Of Glasgow Scotland Photo Gallery

Vicki Feaver

Quill pen in one hand, open blog in the other, Virginia Woolf hairstyle, olive wreath headband, draped Grecian frock, she looks as if she set out for a fancy-dress party, waylaid by an evil enchanter who turned her to red stone, condemning her to sit on a high parapet.

Anyone else, you’d worry, seeing her with one toe over the edge. But oblivious to rain, hail, gales, pigeon shit, and even to the occasional brickbat thrown at her ‘mad woman in the attic’, ‘hyena in petticoats she’s only interested in what’s happening below; patiently, persistently, sifting whatever comes her way.

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