San Diego Subway Map

Sometimes a rainy day will be the best time to take a break from activity. Yet a sunny day can also be appealing for lazing around. For some people, every day in the wilderness is basically a rest day, or at least a low-key-kind-of-day. If relaxation is a prime objective, there’s no reason it can’t be this way for you.

It’s great to be able to decide each day what to do and how long you’re going to do it, to move on when you feel like it or stay put when that appeals. This is possible as long as you’re visiting a park or wilderness area which doesn’t require you to specify in advance exactly where you’ll be camping each night.

In those places where permits and campsite reservations are necessary, you’ll have to decide beforehand how far to travel each day and whether or not to schedule any rest days. This system is definitely not ideal, as weather, a minor injury, or other conditions can make it hard to keep to a schedule.

San Diego Subway Map Photo Gallery

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