New York map New York city

College, by King George II, Columbia is a member of the Ivy League, that very exclusive club of old American universities which includes Yale, Princeton and Harvard. Dwight D. Eisenhower was its president for a while. The law school, the departments of political science and education and the school of journalism all enjoy excellent reputations. You ca wander around the campus quite freely. The Pantheon-like building with the monumental stairway on the north end of the central campus is the Low Memorial Library.

The university is private and therefore fee-paying, but its income from the rent for Rockefeller Center enables it to offer a number of scholarships. The university outgrew its actual campus some time ago and now owns most of the apartment houses in the neighbourhood.

In Riverside Park at 122nd Street stands Grant’s Tomb, the mausoleum of General Ulysses S. Grant, Commander-in-Chief of the Union Army in the Civil War and United States president from 1869 to 1877. Open Wednesday through Sunday. Free admission.

New York map New York city Photo Gallery

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