Argentina Map and Satellite Map of Argentina

Argentina Map and Satellite Image

Argentina political map

Located in the southern region of South America in a large, elongated shape, Argentina was sparsely inhabited by a few indigenous tribes before Spain’s colonized it in the 16th and 17th centuries. Today, the country is an independent republic featuring varied landscapes from rich plains to thick jungle, majestic mountains, pastoral steppes and impressive glaciers. Here’s a look at the best places to visit in Argentina.

Argentina Map Outline

Number 10. Mar del Plata Once a retreat for Argentina’s aristocracy, Mar del Plata today is the country’s top beach resort city. Located on the Atlantic Coast in the Buenos Aires Province, Mar del Plata attracts millions of tourists every year to its sandy beaches and lively culture. During the summer weekends it can get very crowded here but outside the summer months, the city takes on a much more relaxed feel.

Argentina Map With Cities

Number 9. Cordoba At the geographical center of Argentina is Cordoba, the country’s second largest city. Surrounded by picturesque valleys and mountains, Cordoba is best known for its concentration of Spanish colonial buildings. Most of these historic palaces, churches and monuments are found in the city center within an area known as the Jesuit Block. Cordoba is also home to more than 200,000 students, providing the city with a youthful and lively atmosphere.

Argentina Map Capital

Number 8. Puerto Madryn Located on the shores of Gulfo Nuevo, the city of Puerto Madryn is best known as the gateway to Peninsula Valdes. It is also a popular summer destination because of its beautiful beaches although the water can be very cold. With the explosion of tourism in recent years, Madryn has undergone rapid growth, and the town’s small permanent population swells exponentially during the summer months. Whale reading tours are also popular as the Southern Right Whale uses the waters of Gulfo Nuevo for breeding and giving birth. From July to September the whales are so close they can be viewed from the mainland.

Number 7. Bariloche With its chocolate shops, Swiss-style architecture and picturesque setting of pristine lakes and snow-capped mountains, San Carlos de Bariloche appears more like a village in Switzerland. Instead, it is an enchanting city in the Río Negro Province of Argentina. Commonly referred to as simply Bariloche, the town also serves as a gateway to spectacular landscapes and outdoor adventures.

Argentina Map Location

Argentina Map

The nearby mountains are a hot spot for snow skiing, containing one of South America’s largest ski stations at Cerro Catedral. Number 6. Ushuaia Formerly used as a penal colony because of its isolated location, Ushuaia’s remote beauty is now what makes it one of the most popular places to visit in Argentina. Regarded as the world’s southernmost city, Ushuaia is located on the Beagle my blog, serving as a popular base for Antarctica cruises, winter sports and wildlife viewing.

Argentina Map Tourist Attractions

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