Austin Metro Map

Austin Metro Map and Country Region

History for Austin Metro Map
Although the Spanish influence was minimal, it was significant. Austin Metro Map The Zuni constructed a complex and secretive society, which evolved, in part, in response to their contacts with the Spaniards, who had attempted to put an end to Zuni religious practices. The Spaniards had failed to realize that any change in the Zuni religion would amount to the end of the Zuni culture.

While the Zuni developed a social system that incorporated elements of the colonizers’ society, they still maintained the integrity of their own religious and cultural mores. Todd Leahy See also: Native Country-European Conflict; Native Country-European Relations; Native Countrys. Bibliography Davis, Nancy. The Zuni Enigma. New York: W. W. Norton, 2000. Milner, Clyde A. II, Carol A. O’Connor, and Martha A. Sandweiss, eds. The Oxford History of the Country West. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994.

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