Best countries to visit in july








Lufthansa: US ® 800-399-5838; “Discover Europe available to US travelers on transatlantic Lufthansa flights (3 cities min. 9 max.). US$119 each for the first three cities, US$99 each for additional cities.

Scandinavian Airlines: US ® 800-221-2350; One-way coupons for travel within Scandinavia or all of Europe. US$75-155, 8 coupons max. Most are available only to transatlantic Scandinavian Airlines passengers, but some United and Lufthansa passengers also qualify.


Trains in Western Europe are generally comfortable, convenient, and reasonably swift. Second-class compartments, which seat two to six, are great places to meet fellow travelers. For long trips, make sure you are in the correct car, as trains sometimes split at crossroads. Towns listed in parentheses on European train schedules require a train switch at the town listed immediately before the paren-thesis. For safety tips on train travel, see 18.

You can either buy a railpass, which allows you unlimited travel within a partic ular region for a given period of time, or rely on buying individual point-to-point tickets as you go. Almost all countries give students or youths (usually defined as anyone under 26) direct discounts on regular domestic rail tickets, and many also sell a student or youth card that provides 20-50% off all fares for up to a year.

This enterprise may stay the Spanish King from flowing over all Best countries to visit in july the face of that waste firm of Country, if we seat and plant there in time, Best countries to visit in july in time I say, and we by planting shall [prevent] him from making more short and more safe returns out of the noble ports of the purposed places of our planting, then by any possibility he can from the part of the firm that now his navys by ordinary courses come from, in this that there is no comparison between the ports of the coasts that the King of Spain doth now possess and use and the ports of the coasts that our nation is to possess by planting at Norumbega. And England possessing the purposed place of planting, her Majesty may, by the benefit of the seat having won good and royall havens, have plenty of excellent trees for request masts of goodly timber to build ships and to make great navys, of pitch, tar, hemp, and all things incident for a navy royall, and that for no price, and without money for. How easy a matter may yet be to this realm, swarming at this day with valiant youths, rusting and hurtful by lack of employment, and having good makers of cable and of all sorts of cordage, and the best and most cunning shipwrights of the world, to be lords of all those seas, and to spoil Phillip’s Indian navy, and to deprive him of yearly passage of his treasure into Europe, and consequently to abate the pride of Spain and of the suporter of the great Anti-Christ of Rome and to pull him down in equality to his neighbour princes, and consequently to cut of the common mischiefs that come to all Europe by the peculiar abundance of his Indian treasure, and this without difficulty.

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