Michigan Vacations

Michigan Vacations


This major National Scenic Trail, currently under construction, will eventually extend some 3,200 miles from New York to North Dakota. The Michigan section will be about 875 miles long, traversing both the Upper and Lower Peninsulas.

So far about 500 miles of the trail have been completed and are open in this state. Substantial portions are on National Forest lands. The trail also passes through state forests, state parks, and some private lands. Difficulty is easy to moderate.

Camping Regulations: Camping is allowed almost anywhere along the trail when it’s on National Forest lands. Backpackers are asked to set up camp at least 200 feet off the trail. Camping in state parks and elsewhere is limited to designated camping areas and campgrounds. A permit is re-

Isle Rcyale National Park

Trail quired to camp in Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore. Campfires are allowed at most established sites.

For Further Information: North Country Trail Association, P.O. Box 311, White Cloud, MI 49349.

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