Best Travel Destinations For 1 Week

Best Travel Destinations For 1 Week

I did it when I lived in Metro Toronto. My WASP wife and I would drive down to Buffalo, USA, via Niagara Falls on a Friday or Saturday evening and drive back the following day.

Just to refresh your memory, I originally arrived in Toronto in April 1971 with my Barbarian wife and my two and a half year old son after a three month stay in Cambridge, Massachusetts, at her grandmother’s. But, the marriage ended in 1980 after 14 years and I remarried. That’s why I make the distinction by referring to my second wife as WASP.

This took some budgeting, some planning, some knowledge of essentials facts and some caution. The experience was well worth the expense and the effort.

Best Travel Destinations For 1 Week Photo Gallery

Over our several trips, we went to an Earth Wind and Fire concert there; heard Teddy Pendergrass sing from his great repertoire; also, the inimitable Johnny Mathis; ate dinner and breakfast at Denny’s; slept at a grand old hotel; and, danced up a storm at a local disco.

Wonderful memories I treasure from the experiences that those road trips provided; and, one in particular which is not wonderful at all – that about the night when my wife was struck with great pain from gall or kidney stones; and, we drove up and down some unknown part of Buffalo trying to find a hospital.

You have to put any fear of travelling to unknown places aside. Try to “know before you go”, as the bloggers advise; for, knowledge is power – it can save you unnecessary expense; and, can make your travel experience that much richer.

So, ta-na-na! The internet is at your service. Put in the appropriate keywords in Google or YouTube; and, you will be deluged with all the travel tips you can ever ask for or want.

I will help start you out with some travel cheap tips; but, in truth, any beginner tips would do you well at this point. So, here goes!

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