Best Travel Destinations In The Us

Best Travel Destinations In The Us

The fourth choice is to become a year round, full time traveller – which some actually do! I saw on YouTube where a medical doctor said she quitted her regular practise to become a bestselling my blog author with a lot of time to travel.

A space scientist leaves NASA to travel and explore the Earth, blogging about his experiences along the way; and, making good money from his new found hobby. I can’t remember where I saw this; but, this is quite a possibility in this day and age.

Across all spectra – from very rich to very poor; from career professional to hardly ever working; from highly to poorly educated – more people are quitting the life that they knew to travel part or full time.

You feel you’re not rich enough to do any meaningful travel? Money is considered to be the mare that is vital to attaining any and every thing; but, having next to none must not hold you back from travelling. In all things, the level of one’s passion determines the relative level of their success.

Best Travel Destinations In The Us Photo Gallery

In other words, little or no savings or small salaries will deter you from travelling only to the extent of your passion to travel. This means, if you want to travel badly, nothing can or will stop you; for, you will find a way. And, believe me, there are ways; and, places to see on whatever budget you can afford.

At one extreme end of the spectrum, there are those who pride on travelling on a zero budget. Just as a special rich or resourceful few in the olden days saw Mount Everest as a place to conquer, now more and more people see the world as the place to conquer; but, on their own terms, even if it means “couch surfing” ; or, “dumpster diving” ; or, “WWOOFing”.

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