Best Travel Destinations Vermont

Best Travel Destinations Vermont

Her travels to Toronto with me were her first outside of Anguilla itself; and, had prepared her for this one to Disney World.

And, so it was that from the Barbados village bus stop at the Caribbean Beach Resort, we would usually catch the shuttle bus to the Magic Kingdom. At times, we would catch it in front of the dining complex at Old Port Royale.

Best Travel Destinations Vermont Photo Gallery

A mere fifteen or so minute bus ride took us to the entrance of the Magic Kingdom where people also arrived by train. As we expected, the crowd was big; and, the lines were long. We could have gone through express, being resort residents; but, one thing is sure, we did go through the turnstiles.

After some walking, we came to an intersection where a horse drawn carriage was picking up people to take them to towards the magic castle that we normally see at the beginning of the Disney movies.

At the time of writing, in trying to jog my memory, I asked my wife and the first two children about their memories. We had a boy and a girl since.

My wife said we took the horse drawn carriage in the square just behind the train station; and, proceeded up Main Street, the road being crowded with eager persons hurrying towards the iconic castle that seemed like a backdrop to a fairyland.

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