Best US family vacations 2017



0.0 The hike heads north from the parking lot passing a signboard with information about the Superior Hiking Trail (SHT). Almost immediately pass trails going right and left by continuing straight ahead. Ignore the Do Not Enter signs. They apply only during the skiing season.

0.1 Trail intersection; continue straight ahead passing a trail to the right. The forest up to this point is open with widely set spruces and aspens. After crossing a short rise the woods becomes thick with white birch, aspen, and balsam fir.

0.4 Trail intersection (#4 on the signpost) beginning the circuit portion of this hike; pass a trail coming in sharply from the left and turn right leaving the trail that continues straight ahead.

0.8 Trail intersection (#19); continue straight ahead, passing the trail to the left.

1.7 Trail intersection (#8); the main trail continues to the left. The short 0.2 mile spur to Pincushion Mountain leads straight ahead. About 145 feet from the main trail, the spur turns to the right passing a trail to the left. In another 145 feet, climb a large rock outcropping, turn left, and continue along the ridge for 650 feet to the summit (47° 46′ 27.9″ N 90° 17′ 3.5″ W). Retrace your steps to return to the circuit trail.

2.0 Back on the circuit trail after a round trip to the summit.

2.5 Trail intersection with the SHT which descends steeply on the right; continue straight ahead. Pass a shelter in 0.2 mile.

3.1 Trail intersection (#7); turn left, passing the trail to the right (the North Advanced Loop). In 85 feet, take the left fork, passing the one to the right.

3.6 Trail intersection (#13); continue straight ahead, passing the trail to the left. In 85 feet, at trail intersection #6, take the left most of the three trails.

3.9 Trail intersection (#5); bear left passing the trail to the right. In 75 feet, take the left fork.

4.0 Trail intersection (#4) ending the circuit portion of the hike; continue straight ahead, passing the trail to the right. In 75 feet, take the left fork.

4.3 Trail intersection; continue straight ahead, passing the trail to the left.

4.4 Trailhead.


Initially this left fork path remains on the flat, but Best US family vacations 2017then passes through a gate and up a flight of steps. You continue forward to a fence Best US family vacations 2017and may be tempted to go over the stile in the fence that you soon reach, but don’t do so; simply carry on walking parallel with the fence, keeping it to your right, and press on uphill on a clearly marked path. This is quite tough going but the views back across Cuckmere Haven are wonderful, and as you gain height you are able to get a better and better appreciation of the remarkable geography of the Haven and its surrounds. For a little while you seem to lose the fence, but continue in the same direction on a clear path, crossing a stile, and soon you’re reunited with the fence again. At length you reach a fingerpost at which you turn left, along the path signposted ‘Birling Gap’ and now find yourself on the crest of the first of the Seven Sisters cliffs. Take one last opportunity to enjoy the amazing views to the Cuckmere Valley and the downland beyond.

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