The town of Lugoj, in western Romania, is generally recognized as the country’s leading centre of choral music. It takes great pride in its musical heritage and has a Casa Muzicii, a museum in what was formerly the house of a leading composer and conductor, in which there are rooms and areas within rooms dedicated to the memory of the town’s eminent musicians.

Among these, Tiberiu Brediceanu has a strong claim to pre-eminence, for his activities stretched far beyond the confines of his native town. Born in Lugoj in 1877, he was involved in the foundation of conservatories in Cluj and Brasov and the national opera and theatre in Bucharest, and he also held the directorships of the opera houses in Cluj and Bucharest during part of the interwar period. He was an avid collector of folk music and his compositions show its influence. He died in 1968, in Bucharest.


Two of the rooms in the Casa Muzicii have displays devoted to him. He is represented, by a portrait and other material, in the upper-floor room mainly dedicated to Vidu, and some of his furniture is shown in the room assigned to the choir. Other members of his family too were prominent in Lugoj cultural life and are represented at the Casa Personalitatilor, a commemoration of the town’s eminent people, at Splaiul Coriolan Brediceanu 11.

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